Cheek Enhancement, Non-Surgical Cheek Augmentation, Non Surgical Cheek Enhancement, Surgical Cheek Augmentation, Cheek Implants, Dermal Filler, HA Fillers, Juvederm Voluma, Restylane Lyft

The proporÂtions of the middle third of the face or the cheek area, influÂences the appearÂance of an indiÂvidual more that the upper and lower third. The cheek can be divided into an upper and lower half; the lower half meaning the part of the cheek that is below the nostrils and next to the lips. It is the upper cheek that includes the cheek bones and the under-eye region and this is vital to the appearÂance of the face as a younger face appears trianÂgular and becomes rectÂanÂgular as one ages as the promÂinÂence of the cheek bones and cheek area reduces with age.
Cheek projecÂtion is extremely important in feminÂisaÂtion of the face and in fact cheek augmentÂaÂtion is one of the integral parts of a feminÂizÂaÂtion procedure for a male to female transÂition. Cheek Enhancement might be achieved surgicÂally by Silicone, Medpor or Gortex implants placed over the cheek bones or with the use of Dermal Filler injecÂtions that are done in the clinic under topical anaesthesia.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I benefit from Cheek Enhancement, why has my cheek lost volume?
What are the different ways of getting Cheek Augmentation, what is the difference between cheek implants and Dermal Filler Cheek Enhancement
What is the difference between Autologous Fat Transfer and Dermal Filler Injections for Cheek Enhancement?
Which Dermal Fillers Injections are good for non-surgical cheek enhancements?
What happens in a treatment during a cheek implant, or autologous fat transfer, or dermal fillers?
Depending on the surgeon you might be kept in the hospital overnight and you will need to take antiÂbiÂotics and pain relief for the next 3–7 days. You will also be given specific instrucÂtions for each of these treatments.
Non-surgical cheek enhanceÂment is done using Hyaluronic acid fillers. These are extremely reliÂable, safe and durable materÂials. Dr Prashant prefers to do the procedure at his Cardiff Clinic and will do it under numbing cream anaesÂthesia. This will allow you to see the results as they unfold and also allow you to direct the procedure to areas were you think you need more volume.
What is the recovery time after cheek implant, autologous fat transfer, dermal fillers?
Dermal filler enhanceÂments however are generÂally not assoÂciÂated with many side effects, other than the occaÂsional side effect of bruising or swelling for a few days.
How long do the effects last?
What care should I take before and after the treatments?
Is surgical or non surgical cheek enhancement painful?
How long does non surgical Cheek Augmentation take?
How soon will I see results?
Approximate Costs
An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treatÂment you go on to have at our clinic.
The cost will vary depending on how many syringes are required and which type of filler is needed. To give an example the first syringe of Restylane Lyft Lidocaine costs £300 subsequent syringes cost £275. The first syringe of Juvederm Voluma costs £350 and subsequent syringes £300 each.