Forma V Non Surgical Vaginal Remodelling

by | Dec 30, 2021 | Cosmetic Surgery

As aware­ness of Menopause is increasing and more women are taking owner­ship of their health, there are new advances in feminine health solutions.

One of the best advances is the Inmode Forma V or Votiva tech­no­logy, it is one of the safest, quickest, and most effective treat­ment that is US FDA approved for muscle stim­u­la­tion, relax­a­tion, pain reduc­tion, frac­tional resur­fa­cing, improve­ment of blood circu­la­tion, and for the treat­ment of the symp­toms of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)

So, if you have symp­toms like

  • Irritation, burning sensa­tion and dryness in the genital area
  • Post preg­nancy vaginal laxity
  • Pain or discom­fort during sex due to lack of vaginal lubric­a­tion causing impaired sexual function
  • Recurrent urinary tract infec­tion (UTIs) espe­cially asso­ci­ated with stress urinary incontinence
  • Urine leaking during exer­cise sneezing, laughing, or coughing

The Forma V (Votiva) is the safe, gentle, and effective solu­tion that can offer imme­diate results that will continue to improve over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Forma V (Votiva) work to treat Vaginal Dryness, Stress Urinary Incontinence, Urge Incontinence and Vaginal Laxity?

The Forma V delivers bipolar radi­ofre­quency energy to the vaginal wall, causing volu­metric heating that tightens the collagen, improves the blood circu­la­tion, and stim­u­lates the muscles improving the symptoms.

Who will perform my Forma V treatments?

Dr Harinakshi who is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with more than 30 years of exper­i­ence manages all the Cosmetic Gynaecology, Menopause and Feminine Health issues at our clinic. She has a special interest in Menopause Medicine.

Is there any downtime after a Forma V treatment?

Most patient exper­i­ence a sensa­tion of warmth during the treat­ment, which gener­ally takes less than 30 minutes. Most patients will exper­i­ence nil to mild discom­fort following treat­ment and can imme­di­ately go back to work.

How many treatments are required and how frequently to achieve best results for Vaginal laxity, dryness, or urinary leakage, using the Forma V?

We advise a 3 treat­ment cycle each done a month apart to achieve the best results, for most patients this will be enough to give them long term relief, patients with more severe issues might need more frequent treatments.

Why is the Forma V Safe?

The Forma V wand has a temper­ature sensor that’s built into the hand­piece which is continu­ously reading the temper­ature on the vaginal wall a 1000 times per second, there is a soph­ist­ic­ated algorithm that cuts off the RF delivery if the temper­ature exceeds the cut off temper­ature, preventing over heating of the sens­itive tissues.

Will the Forma V help with loss of Labial Volume?

While the Forma V can be used to tighten the tissues in the labial region, if there is a substan­tial loss of volume in this area then you might need to consider volu­misa­tion of the Labia Majora with either Fat Grafting or the injec­tion of special­ised Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers like Desirial.

What are patients saying about Forma V (Votiva)?

“Oh my good­ness! I can’t believe what a differ­ence just one treat­ment made for me! Not only was I tighter ‘down there’, but I felt I was ready to start enjoying intimacy again…like it was my very first time. I am so grateful for Votiva.” – Maria (this review has been taken from the Inmode website)