Cosmetic Surgery

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers Cardiff

Dermal fillers are sterile hypo allergic gel like mater­ials, supplied in a syringe (gener­ally a 1 ml syringe) that can be injected at various depths in the skin.

Since their intro­duc­tion nearly 20 years back dermal fillers have revolu­tion­ised cosmetic surgery. The have largely replaced the need for cheek or chin implants, fat trans­fers and in some instances are an altern­ative to facelifting.

Dermal fillers come in two broad types absorb­able and non-absorbable, the later are not very popular as if things go wrong there is no way of reversing the effects.

In the absorb­able type of dermal fillers there are two subtypes we use at Reforme Medical, HA (Hyaluronic Acid) Dermal Fillers and Biostimulatory Dermal Fillers (Radiesse).

The HA fillers are essen­tially a complex sugar molecule similar to the HA we have inside our skin; the only differ­ence is that the synthetic HA is designed in such a way that the tissues can’t break it down as well as natural HA. The HA fillers have many different applic­a­tions like

  • boosting the hydra­tion of skin to reduce crepe skin using Profhilo
  • filling out fine lines using Belotero Balance or RHA1
  • volu­m­izing lips using Juvederm Ultra3, Juvederm Volift or RHA3
  • enhan­cing cheeks, jawlines or chin using Restylane Lyft, Juvederm Voluma, Belotero Volume
  • redu­cing undereye hollows using Restylane Lyft

The class of Biostimulatory Dermal Fillers used at Reforme is Radiesse, this is essen­tially Calcium Hydroxyapatite micro­spheres suspended in Methyl Cellulose. Radiesse can be used both for volu­m­izing the cheeks, jawline or chin, but can also be used to stim­u­late the skin into making new collagen this being its bios­tim­u­latory application.

This collagen stim­u­la­tion activity of Radiesse is harnessed by a special tech­nique called Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxyapatite Injection.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is involved in a dermal filler treatment?

Once you have had a detailed consulta­tion and under­stood the nature of treat­ment, you will have to sign a consent, have photos of the area to be treated and proceed to the treat­ment. We advise all our patients to apply numbing cream to the area about 1 hour before the treat­ment. After cleansing with a powerful disin­fectant, the dermal filler is placed into the area to be treated by either a needle or a cannula ( a blunt tube with a side hole, this needs to be intro­duced through a needle puncture).

The average treat­ment takes 35 – 60 minutes, after which you are ready to go home.

What is the care I need to take before having dermal fillers?

To reduce the chances of bruising we will ask you to stop taking supple­ments like Garlic, Fish Oil, Vit E, 2 weeks before your treat­ment. We also encourage people to start Arnica Pills a day before the treat­ment. If you suffer from cold sores and are having dermal fillers around your lips or mouth, you need to be started on oral anti­viral tablets day before your treatment.

What aftercare is needed after dermal fillers?

We recom­mend that you stay upright as much as possible and that you sleep with a few extra pillows to keep the head elev­ated. We advise you not to massage or sleep on the treated side and not to engage in any form of exer­cise for a minimum of 2 days following treatment.

Are dermal fillers painful?

We ask all our patients to apply numbing cream to reduce the discom­fort, the fillers we use also have local anes­thesia prop­er­ties making them bearable.

How many sessions of dermal fillers will I need?

The number of times you will need to have the treat­ment will vary with the area treated, filler used and volume used.

What are the side effects of dermal fillers?

The commonest side effect is pain and bruising. Rarely the dermal filler molecule can disrupt blood flow to an area of the face and cause necrosis of skin or even blind­ness. While it seems like a simple treat­ment, you should have it done with an expert injector who has got a good grasp of the vascular anatomy of the face

How much downtime is needed after dermal fillers?

If you don’t develop any bruising after the treat­ment, and most patients don’t, there is no down­time following the treatment.

How long before I see the results of dermal fillers and how long do they last?

You can see the results of dermal fillers imme­di­ately in the case of volu­m­izing HA fillers, in case of the bios­tim­u­latory fillers like hyper­di­lute Radiesse it takes a month or two to start seeing the differ­ence. the dura­tion of their effect varies from applic­a­tion to type of filler used.

What are the alternatives to dermal fillers?

The use of auto­logous fat transfer (AFT) can be used to volu­mise depleted areas in the  face, this is a surgical treat­ment with much longer down­time compared to HA dermal fillers. Cheek, Jaw or Chin Implants are also avail­able for use in the face.

Real Results

Under eye dermal filler 1 (before)Under eye dermal filler 1 (after)
Jaw line dermal filler 1 (before)Jaw line dermal filler 1 (after)
Under eye dermal filler 3 (before)Under eye dermal filler 3 (after)
Under eye dermal filler 4 (before)Under eye dermal filler 4 (after)
Under eye dermal filler 5 (before)Under eye dermal filler 5 (before)
Lip & marionette dermal filler 6 (before)Lip & marionette dermal filler 6 (after)

Approximate Costs

An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consulta­tion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consulta­tion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treat­ment you go on to have at our clinic.

The cost of dermal filler will range from £300 onwards.