Cosmetic Surgery

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Autologous Fat Transfer Breast, AFT Breast Augmentation

Patients some­times desire greater volume in their breasts without going down the breast implant route. Autologous Fat Transfer (AFT) has revolu­tion­ised volume enhance­ment of the breast, and involves harvesting fat cells from areas of your body like the tummy, flanks or thighs and trans­fer­ring these fat cells into the breast to add volume. The only limit­a­tion of this tech­nique is that there is a limit­a­tion to the increase of size which gener­ally is no more than 1 cup size increase and that it can’t add projec­tion similar to that given by breast implants.

But it is the most natural way of achieving subtle breast volume enhancements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have flat breasts and what can I do about them?

The first thing to know is that the public image of an ideal breast volume and shape, has been largely shaped by media pres­sures, which ignores natural human vari­ations of size, shape and proportions.

While most female breast devel­op­ment will be complete by the age of 18 years, weight gain, weight loss, preg­nancy, breast feeding, will cause many changes to the dimen­sions of the breast.

If you have reason to believe that you would feel happier if you had better volume and shape to your breasts, if you prefer to wear padded bras, you might be a good candidate for breast enlargement.

There are basic­ally 2 ways of adding volume to the breast, either using Breast Implants or through the use of Autologous Fat Transfer or Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation. In some case both proced­ures are combined.

Can I have Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

The ques­tion can be answered after a consulta­tion, where your surgeon will eval­uate the volume or capa­city of the breast. If you have lost breast volume after breast feeding, your breast skin envelope will gener­ally be roomier, compared to a young female who has a relat­ively flat chest, and a very taught skin envelope. The roomier the breast skin envelope the more capa­city there exists for fat to be filled into the space.

An ideal Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation patient there­fore will have adequate fat deposits on her tummy, flanks, thighs, and will also have a roomy breast skin envelop.

What is the difference between Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation and Breast Implants?

Both proced­ures are done with the idea of increasing breast volume, while this is done using your own fat tissue in the former, a Silicone Gel Implant is used to increase breast volume, size and shape in the latter.

Can you use fat instead of implants? Are the results of AFT Breast Enlargement same as those with Breast Implants?

As we discuss in our pros and cons section, fat transfer and implants are not inter­change­able oper­a­tions. The best outcome of a fat transfer breast enlarge­ment is gener­ally a one cup size increase in breast size, this limit­a­tion does not exist with implants.

Do I need multiple sessions of fat transfer breast enlargement? Is the operation painful?

The oper­a­tion is done under local anes­thesia, and while the breast will feel swollen, tender and appear bruised for 2–3 weeks, it won’t be very painful. Dr Prashant will always advice you to be prepared for more than one transfer as there is a limit­a­tion to how much fat can be trans­ferred at one time.

What are Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Pros, Cons and Risks?

There are several limit­a­tions of fat transfer, the first being the avail­ab­ility of excess fat in your body, if you are under­weight and extremely slim there will not be enough fat to harvest. We cannot take the fat from another person and transfer it into your breast!

The other limit­a­tion is the room­i­ness of the breast skin, as explained above.

The pros of fat transfer to the breast are that you get a very natural, lifelong enhance­ment of your breast, without any obvious scars.

The cons of breast augment­a­tion with fat transfer is that the outcomes are not as predict­able as those of a breast implant. This is to do with the survival of the fat tissue in the breast, there might be between 30 – 40% loss of the trans­planted fat.

Another con of fat transfer to breast, is the limit­a­tion of how big the breast can be made. The general consensus is that a successful AFT Breast Augmentation will give you one bra cup size increase.

You might need multiple sittings of fat transfer to achieve implant level breast enlargement.

How many days does it take to recover from Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

You can return to work in about a week following the procedure, you will be advised to wear support bras and avoid heavy exer­tion and exer­cises for 2–3 weeks.

How long will the results of fat transfer breast enlargement last?

The result you get from your fat transfer will last you for your life, as long as you keep your weight constant. You will reduce or increase the result on the basis of weight loss or weight gain.

Can I see the Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Results, Before and After?

Dr Prashant gener­ally advices his patients to wait for 3–6 months before eval­u­ating their results following fat transfer breast augment­a­tion. You can see the before and afters in our website results section.

Real Results

Fat transfer breast augmentation 1 (before)Fat transfer breast augmentation 1 (after)
Fat transfer breast augmentation 2 (before)Fat transfer breast augmentation 2 (after)

Approximate Costs

An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consulta­tion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consulta­tion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treat­ment you go on to have at our clinic.

Charges for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation done under local anes­thesia starts at £3500 to £4500