Aesthetic Gynaecology, Cosmetic Gynaecology, Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery
It is quite common that genetics, sexual activity, having chilÂdren, or age causes deformÂaÂtion of the labia minora (the inner hairÂless skin fold around the opening of the vagina).
The commonest problem is enlargeÂment of the labia (either one side or both) which will result in discomÂfort when wearing tight fitting jeans or sport wear, and chaffing when engaged in sports like cycling or horse riding. This can also have implicÂaÂtions on sexual activity, sexual confidÂence and predisÂpose to recurÂrent urinary infecÂtions due to diffiÂculty in mainÂtaining hygiene.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is purpose of Labiaplasty?
Will Labiaplasty affect sensations around my vulva and vagina?
Is it normal to have extra skin down below in a woman?
What anaesthesia is used for Labiaplasty?
What is the recovery from labiaplasty like?
What are the different types of Labiaplasty?
Is Labiaplasty offered in the NHS?
Approximate Costs
An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treatÂment you go on to have at our clinic.
Cost of Labiaplasty under local anesÂthesia starts at £3000 to £4000