Cosmetic Surgery

Morpheus Skin Tightening

RF Microneedling, Radiofrequency Microneedling, Fractional Radiofrequency Microneedling, Subdermal Adipose Remodelling Device (SARD)

The Morpheus8 system is one of the best non-invasive, collagen and fat remod­el­ling systems in the world. It uses a very advanced sensor tech­no­logy that allows the safe delivery of heat into the layers of the skin. The depth of penet­ra­tion of the gold-plated microneedles can be set at as deep as 4mm to a shallow 1mm depth. The selective safe heating of these layers causes shrinkage and remod­el­ling of the Fibrous Septal Network (FSN) that is respons­ible for the support struc­ture of the skin. Besides the effects on the FSN, Collagen and Elastin, the heat can also be used to destroy and remodel fat tissues in areas like the double chin and jowls allowing facial contouring. The combined effects of the collagen remod­el­ling and fat remod­el­ling or SARD makes the Morpheus8 one of the best skin tight­ening system presently that can be used to tighten skin, tighten jowls and double chin, reduce the appear­ance of fine lines and acne scars.

The Morpheus8 also has a resur­fa­cing tip that causes frac­tional surfa­cing of the epidermis similar to a Fractional C02 or a Fractional Erbium Laser, thus it can be very effective in redu­cing facial scarring.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect from a Morpheus8 treatment?

We will give you a clear idea of what to expect at the treat­ment during your consulta­tion. On the day of treat­ment, you will come to the clinic after applying numbing cream for an hour before the treat­ment. We will then proceed to cleanse the skin and then will give you meso­therapy injec­tions of a strong numbing solu­tion, this takes about 5 minutes to complete and can be a bit uncom­fort­able. The advantage of the numbing injec­tions is that it makes the Morepheus8 treat­ments very toler­able and allows us to deliver the energy needed for effective treatments.

Your Morpheus8 treat­ment is then performed and involves multiple passes over the area to be treated using different depth of heating and energy levels. At the end of treat­ment we will cleanse your skin and apply recovery creams and sunscreen before you leave the clinic.

What is the downtime after Morpheus8?

The post treat­ment sensa­tion is similar to that after a Sunburn, this gener­ally eases in a day or two, depending on the settings used.
  • Erythema (redness) 1–3 days
  • Possible edema (local­ised swelling) up to 1 week
  • Tiny needle holes/scabs may appear, lasting for a few days
  • Possible bruising
  • Downtime 1–2 days – 1 week, depending on treat­ment para­meters, patient skin type & treat­ment response/side effects
  • Possible breakout, dry or itchy skin

What is the aftercare after Morpheus8 treatment?

Post Treatment Aftercare

  • We will be sealing off the micro­punc­tures with DermaSeal spray.
  • Leave the treated area uncleansed till the next day morning when you can clean with tepid water and gentle non foaming cleanser.
  • Apply a mild mois­tur­izer like Eucerin Aquaphor Skin Soothing Gel Balm 45mls (Available at Boots) after cleansing next morning. Next apply SPF30 Sunscreen.
  • At night cleanse and moisturize.
  • Avoid using make-up for 1–3 days post treatment.
  • Avoid touching treated area (clean hands first if neces­sary to touch)
  • Avoid active serums and creams like Vitamin C, retinol, adap­alene, tret­inoin, glycolic based products for 5 days after treat­ment. And stop them 5 days before the next treatment.
  • Avoid signi­ficant sun exposure or sunbeds for approx. 4 weeks post treatment
  • Moisturize more times if the skin is itchy during healing and do not pick scabs

How soon will I see the results of Morpheus8?

Following MORPHEUS8 Fractional remod­eling & contouring, it is recom­mended that patients use the following treat­ment after­care advice and are aware of post treat­ment expect­a­tions. It will take about 3 months for the results to stabilize, there will be further improve­ment up to 6 – 8 months following treatment.

Approximate Costs

An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consulta­tion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consulta­tion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treat­ment you go on to have at our clinic.

Each Morpheus8 treat­ment cost  £650 and £750 with PRP 11 ml tube . We advise all of our patients to have 2 – 3 treat­ments each done a month apart and then have a 6 monthly main­ten­ance if required.