Anti Wrinkle Injection Near Me

by | Jan 15, 2021 | Non Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Anti wrinkle injec­tions have come to mean, anything from the use of Botulinum toxin to the use of dermal filler injections.

Most patients know the term Botox but quite a few will confuse this with dermal filler injections.

The differ­ence between the two is that with the botox we essen­tially weaken the over­active frown muscles or laugh lines by injecting a neur­o­toxin into these muscles, whereas with dermal fillers we are injecting a complex sugar under the skin to either pump out a wrinkle or to volu­mize an area.

While the action of anti­wrinkle injec­tions takes up to two weeks to show, the action of the most filler injec­tions is immediate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do anti-wrinkle injections hurt?

Most patients describe the discom­fort as similar to a mosquito bite.

Do antiwrinkle injections bruise?

Given the extremely thin needle the chances of bruising after these injec­tions is very low.

Can you get antiwrinkle injections while pregnant?

We discourage our patients to have anti­wrinkle injec­tions during preg­nancy and whilst breast-feeding their kids.

What antiwrinkle injection after care do I need?

There is very little down­time with anti­wrinkle injec­tions, and you will be able to resume your activ­ities as normal imme­di­ately after the treat­ment. We do however advice our patients, to stay upright for 4 to 6 hours after the treat­ment and avoid massa­ging the area.

Reforme Medical is considered one of the best anti­wrinkle injec­tion clinics in Cardiff, UK.

During your consulta­tion Dr Prashant will go through a detailed analysis of what you need and how it will be treated. He can also show you many examples of before and after results of patients similar to you.