Jawline Dermal Fillers For Contoured Jawline And Reduced Jowls

by | Apr 5, 2021 | Non Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Who doesn’t long for a chis­elled jawline?

Age and genetics may have given you a soft looking chin and jaw but the latest advance­ments in cosmet­o­logy now provides a non-surgical solu­tion to enhance your jawline and give your face a sharper angle.

Jaw fillers are used to add defin­i­tion and contour to your jaw using medical grade fillers that are stra­tegic­ally injected along the lower jaw. This helps to create a more defined separ­a­tion between the jawline and neck, making your face look more defined and balanced.

Jaw fillers not only reduce the appear­ance of saggy skin in the jowls, by providing volume but also stim­u­late collagen produc­tion for a more youthful appearance.

Uses of Jaw Fillers

  • Lessen age-related volume loss in the lower face
  • Contours and gives the jawline a sharper appearance
  • Reduces jowls
  • Helps to correct asym­met­rical jaw line
  • Improves the face profile

Results after Jaw Filler Treatment

Jaw filler can safely change the look of your jawline, chin, and hence, the entire face. The results after the treat­ment are subtle and imme­di­ately visible, because a minute change in the jaw contour or volume has signi­ficant effects on the entire look of your face.

There are several types of fillers that may be used for this purpose, but at Clinique Beauté Naturelle, we use only FDA-approved fillers for jaw and chin like Juvederm Voluma, Belotero Volume and Restylane Lyft, which are scien­tific­ally proven to be free of aller­gies and other risks.

Under the super­vi­sion of our expert Plastic Surgeons, you can be assured of a safe and effective enhance­ment of your face.