Juvederm Family Of Dermal Fillers

by | Nov 19, 2021 | Non Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

JUVEDERM® is a brand of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers that can allow us to assist you stay LOOKING YOUTHFUL AND RELAXED.

JUVEDERM® Dermal Filler injec­tions are a non-surgical cosmetic treat­ment referred as a dermal filler.

It restores facial contours and removes wrinkles.

The JUVEDERM® Family of Dermal Fillers feature popular dermal fillers like, JUVEDERM® Ultra 3, JUVEDERM® Volift, JUVEDERM® Voluma, JUVEDERM® Volite.

The basic compos­i­tion of these fillers is Hyaluronic Acid a complex sugar that is normally present in our skin. In dermal fillers this sugar molecule is modi­fied by cross­linking the chains it is composed of. This cross­linking allows the filler to stay in the tissues for much longer than the skin’s own hyalur­onic acid.

Dermal Fillers are designed with differ­ences in the amount of viscoelasti­city and cohesivity.

JUVEDERM® Volite is a very smooth flowing HA that is runny enough to be admin­istered through a tiny 32G needle. This char­acter of JUVEDERM® Volite, allows it to be placed very high in the skin, this prop­erty is invalu­able to restore plump­ness in thin wrinkled skin and fine lines, were you need to restore the skin’s ability to hold water. JUVEDERM® Volite can be thought of as an internal mois­tur­ising injec­tion. The action of JUVEDERM® Volite can last up to 9 months.

JUVEDERM® Ultra 3 is one of the best known of the JUVEDERM® Line of Dermal Fillers, with the Kardashians rumoured to have used it to enhance their lip volume. The prop­er­ties of JUVEDERM® Ultra 3 allow it to be used in lip volu­m­izing and struc­turing with the resultant soft augment­a­tion of the lip lasting up to 8 months.

JUVEDERM® Volift this is one of the personal favour­ites of Dr Prashant Murugkar as its cohes­ivity and elasti­city allow it to be used both in lips and areas like tear trough correc­tion or cheek volu­misa­tion. It can also be used for common concerns such as deep nose to mouth lines or mari­on­ette lines.

JUVEDERM® Voluma this is one of the best dermal fillers for long term recon­touring and volu­misa­tion of areas such as Hollow Temples, Deflated Cheek Volume, Jaw line augment­a­tion, Chin augment­a­tion. Its viscoelastic prop­er­ties allow the effects to last as long as 1 ½ to 2 years in most patients. It is also a popular dermal filler for Nose Augmentation, for non-surgical Rhinoplasty.

Most Dermal Filler treat­ments last between 30 to 60 minute and are done at Reforme Medical Cardiff under local anaes­thesia provided by applic­a­tion of numbing cream like LMX4 or EMLA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dermal fillers like Juvederm Ultra 3, Volite, Volift, Voluma Safe?

The Juvederm family of dermal fillers are some of the safest and most popular dermal fillers used all across the world.

Are dermal fillers permanent?

No, depending on which dermal filler molecule that is used and its cross­linking, viscoelasti­city and cohes­ivity the skin cells will slowly break the HA down and reduce the effect. Volite can last up to 9 months while Voluma can last up to 2 years, but at the end of that period most of the effect will be gone unless it is topped up with new injections.

Can dermal fillers move?

This really depends on which plane of the skin or under­lying tissues the fillers is applied to. Having said that, done by an expert there is very little chance of Dermal Filler Migration. Dr Prashant Murugkar has not seen filler displace­ment in his patients over his 20 years of practice.

Can dermal fillers be dissolved?

Yes, an enzyme injec­tion called Hyalase or Hyaluronidase can completely dissolve modern HA dermal fillers.

How do dermal fillers work?

HA dermal fillers work by either restoring the water holding capa­city of the skin (like Juvederm Volite) or by restoring lost volume and struc­ture like Juvederm Ultra3, Volift or Voluma.

How are dermal fillers injected?

There are two main methods of injec­tion, with a needle and with a cannula. The size of the needle can vary from 32G (thin­nest) for Juvederm Volite to 27G for the Juvederm Ultra 3, Juvederm Volift and Juvederm Voluma.

A cannula is a thin metal tube which has a blunt end and the hole on the side, it comes in sizes like 27G, 25G, 22G and can signi­fic­antly reduce bruising and injury to delicate struc­tures like vessels and nerves.