Top 10 Questions To Ask Before Getting Lip Fillers In Cardiff

by | Sep 11, 2021 | Non Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

There’s defin­itely been a rise in the popularity of lip fillers in the UK. Perfecting the pout is quite a trend not just in Los Angeles alone but also popular across Great Britain including Cardiff, Bristol and Liverpool. After all, bigger fuller lips not only look stun­ning but also appear volu­minous and healthy – adding a lot more oomph to the overall feminine beauty.

If you are looking to get lip fillers in Cardiff, here check out answers to the most frequently asked ques­tions from an aesthetic doctor rather than from Dr Google -

Question 1 – Are Lip Fillers Haram? Can Women of Muslim Faith Get Lip Fillers in Cardiff?

Plumping your lips through lip fillers is a non-surgical treat­ment. Quite well versed with the Muslim faith, the special­ists at Reforme Medical Lip Fillers Cardiff use Hyaluronic Dermal Fillers to natur­ally and very subtly enhance your lips – making them appear healthy, youthful and soft. Now that we use Hyaluronic Acid Fillers that are quite similar to the natural Hyaluronic Acid Fillers that are present in your skin, the fillers are completely accept­able to those of the Muslim faith.

Question 2 – Can Lip Fillers Go Wrong?

When done by a profes­sional exper­i­enced aesthetic doctor, lip augment­a­tion is one of the safest treat­ments in non-surgical treat­ments. Lip fillers mostly can go wrong when it is performed by either inex­per­i­enced doctors, nurses or beau­ti­cians. One of the reasons why Reforme Medical is so popular with patients looking for soft natural lip augment­a­tion is because of the exper­i­ence that Dr Prashant brings to his patients.

He has more than 20 years of plastic and cosmetic surgery exper­i­ence, and his under­standing of the anatomy of the face along with his extensive exper­i­ence with non-surgical treat­ments make him one of the safest hands to consider having lip fillers. Nevertheless, the only way to prevent things from going wrong in lip augment­a­tion is by getting treated by a specialist who is having a lot of exper­i­ence and detailed know­ledge of facial anatomy.

Question 3 – How Lip Fillers Work?

The Hyaluronic Acid gel that is injected with extremely tiny needles or cannula attracts water and, in that way, plump up your lips in a very soft natural and healthy way. If you are consid­ering Lip Fillers Cardiff at Reforme Medical, the special­ists would explain to you during your consulta­tion how Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers will augment and fill your lips in a safe natural manner – helping you to main­tain a youthful appear­ance by providing facial contour.

Question 4 – What are the Types of Lip Fillers Used?

Various brands of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal lip fillers are used to achieve lip augment­a­tion. When you come to Reforme Medical Lip Fillers Cardiff, Dr Prashant having an exper­i­ence with all the lip filler brands used including Juvederm, Restylane and Belotero ensures amazing visible results of lip augment­a­tion. Depending on the desired volume, shape and size, the doctor can eval­uate which brand of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal lip fillers will best go with your face.

Question 5 – What Can Be Done If Lip Fillers Go Wrong?

The beauty of Hyaluronic Acid based lip fillers is that the effect of the fillers or any prob­lems that arise from its injec­tion can be quickly reversed in minutes by injecting an enzyme that can dissolve them. This added layer of safety makes Hyaluronic Acid based fillers the most popular choice for lip fillers.

Question 6 – Which Lip Fillers Lasts the Longest? Can I Get the Perfect Lip Fillers Cardiff?

When it comes to longevity, effectivity and safety, Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers like Juvederm, Teosyal, and Volfit might last longer as compared to softer fillers like Belotero Balance or Restylane Classic. The dura­tion of the filler action relates to how much volume has been injected and also how soft or slightly more formed the Hyaluronic Acid gel is. The exper­i­enced lip filler expert at Reforme Medical in Cardiff will explain to you in detail (during your consulta­tion) what can be the best brand for you, going by your needs and preferences.

Question 7 – Will Lip Fillers Suit Me?

The answer to the ques­tion really relates to how well you under­stand the subject of lip augment­a­tion using dermal fillers. During your consulta­tion with the exper­i­enced lip filler doctor in Cardiff i.e., Dr Prashant of Reforme Medical, you will be given thor­ough inform­a­tion about everything – The brand, the volume, the soft­ness or rigidity of the lip fillers along with its appear­ance on your face (whether or not it will go with your facial features including nose, cheek and chin). This will be discussed in detail by taking into consid­er­a­tion all the Pros and Cons by using your photo­graph. A plan will then be drafted for getting the most optimum result – a natural Lip Filler that is going to perfectly suit you and your facial curve.

Question 8 – Is It Painful?

A very strong cream is gener­ally used for numbing is applied at least an hour ago before the procedure actu­ally takes place. At Reforme Medical, the doctors use lip fillers that are premixed with a local anaes­thetic injec­tion so that they numb the tissues as they are injected, making the treat­ment much more comfort­able and easier. In addi­tion to this, the doctors also keep on chan­ging the needles if the patient is very sens­itive because doing that makes the patient all the more comfort­able. Most patients not only manage the pain levels but also are in love with the results of having this treatment.

Question 9 – Where are Lip Fillers Near Me in Cardiff?

If you are looking for lip fillers Cardiff, Reforme Medical in Llanishen is one of the premier centers for lip augment­a­tion treat­ment. It is headed by Dr Prashant who has got more than two decades of plastic surgical exper­i­ence and special­izes in cosmetic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic treat­ments like lip fillers.

Question 10 – What About Lip Fillers with Cannula?

There are two ways of deliv­ering the lip fillers into the tissues of the lip – one way is to do the injec­tions with the needle, which is extremely thin and fine or to use a long blunt tube other­wise known as a cannula to inject the lips. Both methods have their advant­ages and disad­vant­ages. The cannula injec­tions being slightly less painful is gener­ally asso­ci­ated with slightly less bruising as compared to the needle tech­nique. The needle tech­nique however is much more precise because the delivery of the lip filler can be controlled much better than with the cannula. Therefore, when you want very specific areas to be shaped in a certain way, needles often serve much better than cannulas.

When it comes to dermal fillers, Dr Prashant in Cardiff special­izes in both, the use of needles and cannulas, and even feels comfort­able to shift between the two tech­niques – offering you the best advice on which tech­nique you should go for, whether needle or cannula.