Cosmetic Surgery

Non Surgical Nose Jobs

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty, Non-surgical Nose Augmentation, No scalpel nose job

The use of dermal fillers, like Restylane Perlane, Restylane Lyft, Juvéderm Ultra 3, Juvéderm Voluma, Juvéderm Volift, in correcting volume and align­ment issues with the nose, have revolu­tion­ised the field of Rhinoplasty. Dermal fillers can be used effect­ively in correcting minor bumps on the nose, they can also be used to raise the bridge of the nose, give the nose a straighter appear­ance, raise the nose tip or rotate it down to reduce the nostril flare. These are done in the clinic after numbing cream applic­a­tion and in most cases are asso­ci­ated with very little swelling or bruising. In majority of patients, the results can last from 8 to 18 months before a top up is needed. After seeing the results possible from non-surgical rhino­plasty, you could also consider a formal rhino­plasty procedure after the effects wear off.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is dermal filler non-surgical nose job painful?

The filler molecule is hyalur­onic acid that is pre mixed with numbing solu­tion (ligno­caine), so the filler injec­tion will numb the area it is injected into. We will also apply strong numbing cream 1 hour before the procedure, and in most instances use a cannula tech­nique, all of these steps will make the procedure relat­ively painless.

Is there swelling after non-surgical nose job?

Most patients don’t swell after the injec­tion. Similarly, most patients will not have much bruising after the procedure.

What are the risks involved?

While the procedure is quite safe, an occa­sional patient might get a bit of swelling or bruising, that gener­ally fades over a few days. We do encourage our filler patients to take Arnica pills and cream to reduce swelling and bruising. In the rarest of rare cases the filler injec­tion can inad­vert­ently enter a small blood vessel under the skin, while it is a extremely rare side effect, exper­i­enced injectors will know how to avoid it and also will use an Hyalase enzyme injec­tion to dissolve the filler molecule, thus reversing the side-effects in most cases. This makes hyalur­onic acid dermal fillers one of the safest volu­m­izing injec­tions available.

Which dermal filler will be used for the nose job?

The dermal fillers we prefer in non-surgical nose jobs are Restylane Lyft, Juvéderm Voluma, Juvéderm Volift.

When will I notice the results?

Unlike the need for down­time after a surgical rhino­plasty, the results of the non-surgical nose job are instant­an­eous, which makes the whole procedure very gratifying.

How long does non-surgical nose job last?

There are several vari­ables that determine the longevity of this procedure. These are : volume used, filler used, nature of the skin envelope. In general, our advice is that the result will stay stable from 8 months to 18 months, however we tell our patients not to wait for the results to go before consid­ering a top-up, as the longevity increases after each top-up.

How does a non-surgical nose job work?

The dermal filler molecule we use is cross linked hyalur­onic acid, this is the synthetic type of sugar that occurs natur­ally in our skin. The molecule is supplied in syringes in the form of a partic­u­late or smooth gel. In the nose this gel is injected to volu­mise areas that are defi­cient, thus correcting nose shape.

Are non-surgical nose jobs permanent?

No, these proced­ures are not permanent, the results will gradu­ally fade out over months to years.

Approximate Costs

An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consulta­tion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consulta­tion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treat­ment you go on to have at our clinic.

The price of non-surgical nose job will vary with the filler used and can range from £300 to £600 onwards. The cost relates to the type of filler and number of syringes needed.