Forma V, ThermiVA, MonaLisa, FemiLift, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Tightening, Aesthetic Gynaecology, Cosmetic Gynaecology, Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery, Virgin tightening surgery

There can be several reasons for considÂering either non-surgical vaginal tightÂening, or surgical vaginoÂplasty (aka virgin tightÂening surgery). Aging, weight loss, childÂbirth can all have an impact on the funcÂtioning of the vaginal area. The laxity and looseÂness in this area can affect a woman’s sexual gratÂiÂficÂaÂtion, body image, comfort and self-confidence. As the tone of the vaginal wall relates to the state of the collagen fibres, this loosening of tone can also be assoÂciÂated with reducÂtion in sexual gratÂiÂficÂaÂtion, stress urinary inconÂtinÂence, repeated vaginal infections.
Application of Thermal Non-Ablative Energy using either Laser energy (like CO2 Laser) or using Radiofrequency energy as with our Forma V wand, can tighten the collagen fibres and supporting tissues of the vagina.
Reforme Medical is the first clinic in Wales to acquire the FDA approved, safe and highly effective Forma V system for non-surgical vaginal tightÂening for Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), it acts by increasing the collagen tissue, improving blood flow to the area and can relieved dryness, sensÂitÂivity and relieve sympÂtoms like painful intercourse.
Non-surgical vaginal tightÂening can further help with reducÂtion of stress urinary inconÂtinÂence, vaginal dryness and recurÂrent vaginal infecÂtion; in most patients it will have a positive impact on their sexual satisfaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening or Surgical Vaginoplasty?
This a quesÂtion you and our specialist gynaeÂcoÂloÂgist will sit down and answer, as only a gynaeÂcoÂloÂgical examÂinÂaÂtion will reveal the nature of the issues you are experiencing.
As you can well underÂstand there is a limit to how much tightÂening can be achieved non-surgically and there will be situÂations where you will be advised that a surgical interÂvenÂtion is a better option in your case.
Who will do the procedure and what happens during the is Forma V radiofrequency vaginal tightening treatment?
At our clinic our gynaeÂcoÂloÂgist will provide the procedure. After the first consultaÂtion you will be told if the degree of vaginal looseÂness needs 2 treatÂments or 3–4 treatÂments. Each treatÂment is done about 4–6 weeks apart, generÂally with a mainÂtenÂance treatÂment once a year.
The procedure is very quick and relatÂively painÂless and, in most instances, there is very little or no downtime.
You should not wear a tampon or have sexual interÂcourse for 5–7 days after the treatÂment to allow the tissues to settle down and heal, after which you can get back to your normal routine.
What do I do before the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation or Radiofrequency Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure?
You should have an up-to-date PAP smear result within 1 year of the treatÂment, before we start the treatÂment. We advise our patients to wait at least 3–6 months after a vaginal delivery to have any tightÂening treatÂments. They should also not have the treatÂment while breast feeding. We plan your treatÂments when you are not having your menstrual cycle.
What are the risks and complications of Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation or Radiofrequency Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure?
Other than some discomÂfort during and for a short while after the procedure these non-surgical techÂniques have very few adverse effects in most patients.
When will I see the benefits of the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation or Radiofrequency Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure?
Most patients with mild laxity will notice the beneÂfits as early as days to weeks following the treatÂment. While one treatÂment will not provide the final result, once achieved (through a series of treatÂments) the results are stable and long lasting.
Does Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation or Radiofrequency Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure help with stress urinary incontinence?
Yes, there is evidÂence to suggest that there is an improveÂment in the degree of stress inconÂtinÂence following a series of these treatments.
What are the different alternatives to the Forma v Radiofrequency Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure?
Broadly speaking there are two classes of devices that are used the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation systems like FemiLift (CO2 laser, Alma Lasers), IntimaLaser (2940nm Er:YAG laser, Fotona), LadyLift (1470nm Diode Laser, Eufoton), MonaLisa (10600nm, Fractional CO2 Laser, DEKA), CO2RE Intima (10600 CO2 laser, Syneron), The second class of devices use non-ablative Radiofrequency energy ThermiVA (Unipolar RF, no cooling probe, Thermi Aesthetics), Viveve device (Single Session, Cryogen-Cooled, Monopolar Radiofrequency, Viveve), ReVive (Bipolar RF, no cooling probe, Viora), FemiWand (High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound).
Is Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation or Radiofrequency Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure offered on the NHS?
No, it is not offered on the NHS.
Approximate Costs
An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treatÂment you go on to have at our clinic.
Forma V treatÂments for Vaginal Tightening cost £650 per treatment.
All patients need 2 – 3 treatÂments, each done a month apart. They will then need a single topup treatÂment at 6 – 12 monthly interval to mainÂtain the result.