Botox Cardiff

Aging of our face relates to loss of skin elastiÂcity and recoil (skin bounce), loss of fat volume on the face and bony changes of aging.
While we have been doing the same expresÂsions of anger and worry since we were chilÂdren, this loss of skin elastiÂcity starts to leave behind wrinkles along the expresÂsion lines.
When you come in for your wrinkle consultaÂtion Dr Prashant can discuss the use of some prescripÂtion only mediÂcines that are a form of reconÂstiÂtÂuted Botulinum Toxin Type A.
Tiny doses of this molecule are injected into the muscles on the foreÂhead that cause the worry lines, frown lines or crows feet (around the eyes), the muscles are temporÂarily weakened leaving you with the appearÂance of smoother wrinkle free skin.
This smoothening effect can last for 4 – 6 months in most patients, helping you to mainÂtain a fresh, youthful vibrant look.
Other applicÂaÂtions of these injecÂtions include Jaw Slimming, Smile Balancing, Non-Surgical or Liquid Facelift, and reduÂcing Platysmal or neck bands.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the best clinic for Wrinkle treatment in Cardiff?
Do I need a Wrinkle Treatment?
How long do the effects of Antiwrinkle treatment last?
What are the side effects of muscle relaxing injection, Botox?
Where can the wrinkle treatment be used?
What are the 3 areas of wrinkle treatment?
Who should not get Botox?
What is the right age to have wrinkle treatment, Botox?
Real Results
Approximate Costs
An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treatÂment you go on to have at our clinic.
At Reforme Medical the charges for 1÷2÷3 Areas are £195/245/265 for Women and £230/280/300 for Men (as the dose requireÂment is much more in men)