What Is Eyelid Reduction Surgery?
Eyelid reduction surgery, or blepharoplasty, is used to reduce the skin around the eyelids. This could be because the normal eyelid crease is obscured, it’s difficult to put makeup in this area, or maybe it even impairs your vision.
You may be considering blepharoplasty if your eyelid skin has become loose over time. It can become asymmetrical, or the loose skin under your eyes may look like bags making you look tired even when you’re not.
Many younger people and celebrities are also having blepharoplasty to solve hooded eyes, this can lift and brighten the face, making a change that really couldn’t be solved with anything non invasive.
What Can I Expect From Eyelid Reduction Surgery?
Here at Reforme Medical blepharoplasty is performed under local anaesthetic and takes around 2 hours. The excess skin and fat is removed and the scar that’s left is usually nicely disguised by the natural fold of the lid.
What Is The Cost Of Eyelid Reduction Surgery?
The cost for this surgery depends on the complexity, and which area is being reduced (upper or lower eyelids). So it can range from £2500 – £4000.
What Is The Recovery Like?
You may initially have some swelling and bruising. There will be sutures that may need removing after 7–10 days, but the pain can be held off with simple painkillers.
All scars evolve over time. From being initially thin and flat, they will go red and bumpy and then slowly flatten, soften, and blend in with the surrounding skin to become less conspicuous. This is called the scar maturation process. Scars can never be made invisible but do fade as they mature. This process can take anywhere from 8 months to 1.5 years. While most patients will be able to appreciate the benefits of the surgery at 3 – 8 months, you have to generally wait a year to evaluate the final results.
What Are The Alternatives To Blepharoplasty?
If surgery isn’t on the cards for you, there are multiple options that can significantly help with the eyelid area. You may also consider having a brow lift, or using Morpheus 8 to help tighten the skin on the lower lids, or dermal fillers to reduce the appearance of hollows below the eye.
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