Privacy Policy

Reforme Medical Ltd. is committed to keeping the privacy of anyone using the website confid­en­tial. This clari­fies that one can share the required inform­a­tion without worrying about the privacy. We follow the authentic norms where the inform­a­tion is collected, used and main­tained is solely for the benefit of the user visiting Reforme Medical Ltd. website. The main purpose of this Privacy Policy is to make the users aware of how we use the inform­a­tion they provide us with.

We consider that change in the privacy policy from time to time is neces­sary to main­tain a high level of confid­en­ti­ality. So, we request the users to visit this page to stay abreast with the same.

What inform­a­tion our website collects?

Depending on the nature of our website, we may collect some personal inform­a­tion so as to provide the user with the relevant inform­a­tion desired. This can include name, phone number, e‑mail ID and other such details required to commu­nicate with the user. For e.g. for booking an appoint­ment with us, one may has to tell their name along with e‑mail ID and phone number.

We do not receive this inform­a­tion unless the user shares it with us. At every step, we take appro­priate meas­ures to keep this inform­a­tion confidential.

Other inform­a­tion we gather

Non-personal iden­ti­fic­a­tion inform­a­tion may be collected such as the name of the browser, type of computer, oper­ating system, type of internet connec­tion for using the website, etc. Cookies are solely used to enhance the exper­i­ence of the user. We use this inform­a­tion to know about the general interest of people in order to under­stand user beha­viour and their general needs.

What do we do with user’s personal information?
We use it for the following purposes:

  • For answering the queries and better support services
  • For record keeping
  • To keep one aware of the services or special offers as per their interests

How we secure information?

We ensure that the inform­a­tion provided by you is kept safe. To protect disclosure or unau­thor­ised access, we imple­ment certain barriers in the system to protect the inform­a­tion. Therefore, the inform­a­tion is access­ible only by a few of the staff members (including doctors) at Reforme Medical Ltd. who are author­ised to initiate/maintain direct commu­nic­a­tion with the users/clients.

This website might contain links to other websites. Our team will not be respons­ible for confid­en­ti­ality of the inform­a­tion if one shares any inform­a­tion on any of these websites. Once the user has used the links, we will have no control over the same. Therefore, if the other websites which the user visits are not governed by us, then we shall not be held responsible.

Acceptance of terms

By using this site, the user signi­fies their accept­ance of our policy. If a user does not agree with our policies, we request them to not use our website or related online services.