Patient Guide


This patient guide is produced for all our patients/clients to read and be aware of the facil­ities within our establishment

The aims, object­ives and summary of the state­ment of purpose are:

To improve our patients’/clients’ self-esteem, self-image and confid­ence, by offering profes­sional services of the highest quality.

This is achieved by offering a personal service, integ­rating the highest quality products with the latest proven tech­niques and protocols.

Patients/clients are treated with honesty and integ­rity, in complete confid­ence and utmost discre­tion, in comfort­able surroundings.

All patient/client treat­ments will be fully discussed and costs issued at or after the first consulta­tion as indic­ated within this guide.

Facilities avail­able include recep­tion, waiting area, toilets and treat­ment area.

We aim to provide services of consist­ently good quality, for all patients/clients and only provide services that meet your needs and wishes.

We will aim to make your treat­ment as comfort­able and convenient as possible.

When confirming appoint­ments we will make every effort to inform poten­tial patients/clients of details of the facilities.

Clinic staff may not be able to lift patients/clients and these limit­a­tions will be explained when confirming appointments.

A deposit may be taken at the time of making the appoint­ment, which will be deducted from the total cost of any agreed treatment

Out of Hours

We do not have tele­phone contact out of these hours. Out of hours, should you exper­i­ence an adverse effect from the treat­ment or have any concerns, please go either to your GP or to your local acci­dent & emer­gency department

Making an appointment

It is advis­able to book an appoint­ment as soon as possible to ensure that you get the time and prac­ti­tioner of your choice.

I provide a Medical & Surgical Aesthetics service which include the following:

  • Consultations both for Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery
  • Non-Surgical Treatments
  • Microsclerotherapy for thread veins
  • Radiofrequency abla­tion of facial thread veins
  • Dermal Filler injections
  • Dermal Filler dissolving injections
  • Thread Lifts
  • Botulinum Toxin Anti – Wrinkle Injections
  • Microneedling treat­ments for skin and scars
  • Radiofrequency abla­tion of Lumps and Bumps
  • Skin Tags, Milia, Mole, Lipoma, Warts, Cysts
  • Cryotherapy
  • Botulinum injec­tions for Migraine, Hyperhidrosis
  • Chemical Peels
  • Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
  • Morpheus8 Skin Tightening treatment
  • Ambulatory Surgical Procedures, done under Local Anesthesia +/- Oral Sedation
  • Earlobe Repair
  • Ear Pinback surgery
  • FaceTite, NeckTite, AccuTite using Inmode BodyTite machine
  • Eyelid lift
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Bullhorn Lip Lift
  • Double Chin Fat Removal
  • Autologous Fat Transfer
  • BodyTite Lipoaspiration
  • Lipoaspiration
  • Gynaecomastia reduc­tion
  • Forma V non-surgical Vaginal Tightening
  • Labioplasty

Cancellation Policy

At least 24 hours notice is required of a cancel­la­tion other­wise a 50–100% fee of the booked appoint­ment. The outcome will be based on the circum­stances of the patient and at this establishment’s discretion

Patient/client Consultation, Dignity and Confidentiality

This clinic has a policy of patient/client confid­en­ti­ality and all inform­a­tion and records are kept safe and confidential

Records of all consulta­tion and treat­ments are kept in patients’/clients’ notes

The privacy and dignity of patients/clients is respected at all times

Consent Prior to Treatment

This estab­lish­ment oper­ates a consent policy, which will be issued at the first consulta­tion for the patient/client to read and under­stand prior to proceeding with any treat­ment. You will be asked to read through this form care­fully and the doctor will answer any queries you may have.

Patient/Client Chaperone/Accompanying Policy

Within this clinic, we encourage the concept of chap­er­ones accom­pa­nying patients/clients, within reas­on­able boundaries.

The situ­ation may arise, where a patient/client is accom­panied by a next of kin or friend or may request a member of staff (within reason) to accom­pany them. In such cases, the following rules will apply, where the chap­erone will:

  • Have agree­ment from the patient/client to be present at the consultation
  • Have the ability and mental capa­city to act as a chaperone
  • Introduce him/her to clinic staff and explain the purpose of their presence
  • Maintain confid­en­ti­ality and comply with clinic policies

A record and details of such events will be kept in the patients’/clients’ notes

In any event, the member of staff in charge of the case would make the ulti­mate decision regarding the pres­ence of chap­er­ones, espe­cially during a Laser procedure.

Access to Health Records

All patients/clients have access to their health records in accord­ance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act.

If you require access to your records, then please ask the secretary/ recep­tionist or the Registered Manager who will discuss this with you and agree on the level of inform­a­tion that you require access to.

This clinic ensures that inform­a­tion provided to patients/clients and prospective patients/clients and their families is accurate and that any claims made in respect of services are justified.

Advertising Policy

This clinic ensures that all its adverts, patient leaf­lets and services it offers, complies with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Such stand­ards are promoted under the ASAs website:

In case of any complaints, all the advert­ising inform­a­tion will be released to ASA by this clinic for veri­fic­a­tion or invest­ig­a­tion, as appropriate


Valuable items such as jewellery, which may have to be removed during treat­ment, can be kept securely while treat­ments are under­taken. Patients are advised to retrieve all such items after treat­ment. This estab­lish­ment does not accept any respons­ib­ility for items lost or stolen.

Mobile Phones

Clients are requested not to use mobile phones within the building

Additional Information

This estab­lish­ment has a health and safety, risk manage­ment and incident reporting policy

We take part in staff continuing profes­sional devel­op­ment to keep our skills and know­ledge up to date

This estab­lish­ment has appointed an RPA2000 Certified Laser Protection Adviser (LPA) who carries out annual visits.

In the event that an indi­vidual feels that no benefit has been gained from such treat­ment, and within reason, we will offer repeat or altern­ative treatment

Price List and Treatment Plan

Prices will vary depending on the extent of the area to be treated. A consulta­tion is required prior to all initial treat­ments, enabling the patient/client to agree to a suit­able course of treatment

An up-to-date price list is avail­able as a separate list within the clinic.

We do not offer a contract as such to our patients/clients, however, the consent form and attend­ance for the treat­ment denotes agree­ment to treatment.

Methods of Payment/Credit

All major credit/debit cards are accepted. If paying by cheque seven working days must be allowed for clearance.

Review of Patient Guide

This guide provides clear and accurate inform­a­tion regarding treat­ment and its likely costs. If you have any comments about the present­a­tion or the content of this Patient’s Guide please speak to a member of staff. The guide will be updated as neces­sary and reviewed annu­ally. If you have any views on the inform­a­tion contained within, or the present­a­tion of this Patient’s Guide we would welcome your comments. Please discuss with any member of staff.

Quality monitoring, Patient /Client Views and Survey Results

It is the aim of this clinic to obtain the views of its patients/clients at least once during their course of treat­ment and use these to inform the provi­sion of treat­ment and care of prospective patients/clients. Patients/clients are noti­fied as to the avail­ab­ility of the survey within the Patient Guide.

This estab­lish­ment is committed to excel­lence in service and treat­ments performed in all areas of its services. We encourage feed­back from patients regarding the stand­ards of service, care and inform­a­tion, which you have received. We would welcome any comments or sugges­tions, which will enable us to work towards improving the quality of our treat­ment and services provided and ensure that patients receive adequate and correct information.

A feed­back ques­tion­naire will be provided at any time during treat­ment for you to complete, or to put forward sugges­tions or comments. This estab­lish­ment is always ready to respond to feed­back received about the way in which its services are conducted. Audit of feed­back is carried out quarterly and avail­able on request.
The Patient Guide itself is always readily avail­able to patients/clients and copies can are in the waiting room.

Survey results will be avail­able in the waiting room for patients/clients and their families to view.

Complaints Procedure

This clinic oper­ates a complaint procedure as part of its dealing with patients/clients’ complaints.

Dr. Prashant Murugkar