This patient guide is produced for all our patients/clients to read and be aware of the facilities within our establishment
The aims, objectives and summary of the statement of purpose are:
To improve our patients’/clients’ self-esteem, self-image and confidence, by offering professional services of the highest quality.
This is achieved by offering a personal service, integrating the highest quality products with the latest proven techniques and protocols.
Patients/clients are treated with honesty and integrity, in complete confidence and utmost discretion, in comfortable surroundings.
All patient/client treatments will be fully discussed and costs issued at or after the first consultation as indicated within this guide.
Facilities available include reception, waiting area, toilets and treatment area.
We aim to provide services of consistently good quality, for all patients/clients and only provide services that meet your needs and wishes.
We will aim to make your treatment as comfortable and convenient as possible.
When confirming appointments we will make every effort to inform potential patients/clients of details of the facilities.
Clinic staff may not be able to lift patients/clients and these limitations will be explained when confirming appointments.
A deposit may be taken at the time of making the appointment, which will be deducted from the total cost of any agreed treatment
Out of Hours
We do not have telephone contact out of these hours. Out of hours, should you experience an adverse effect from the treatment or have any concerns, please go either to your GP or to your local accident & emergency department
Making an appointment
It is advisable to book an appointment as soon as possible to ensure that you get the time and practitioner of your choice.
I provide a Medical & Surgical Aesthetics service which include the following:
- Consultations both for Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery
- Non-Surgical Treatments
- Microsclerotherapy for thread veins
- Radiofrequency ablation of facial thread veins
- Dermal Filler injections
- Dermal Filler dissolving injections
- Thread Lifts
- Botulinum Toxin Anti – Wrinkle Injections
- Microneedling treatments for skin and scars
- Radiofrequency ablation of Lumps and Bumps
- Skin Tags, Milia, Mole, Lipoma, Warts, Cysts
- Cryotherapy
- Botulinum injections for Migraine, Hyperhidrosis
- Chemical Peels
- Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
- Morpheus8 Skin Tightening treatment
- Ambulatory Surgical Procedures, done under Local Anesthesia +/- Oral Sedation
- Earlobe Repair
- Ear Pinback surgery
- FaceTite, NeckTite, AccuTite using Inmode BodyTite machine
- Eyelid lift
- Buccal Fat Removal
- Bullhorn Lip Lift
- Double Chin Fat Removal
- Autologous Fat Transfer
- BodyTite Lipoaspiration
- Lipoaspiration
- Gynaecomastia reduction
- Forma V non-surgical Vaginal Tightening
- Labioplasty
Cancellation Policy
At least 24 hours notice is required of a cancellation otherwise a 50–100% fee of the booked appointment. The outcome will be based on the circumstances of the patient and at this establishment’s discretion
Patient/client Consultation, Dignity and Confidentiality
This clinic has a policy of patient/client confidentiality and all information and records are kept safe and confidential
Records of all consultation and treatments are kept in patients’/clients’ notes
The privacy and dignity of patients/clients is respected at all times
Consent Prior to Treatment
This establishment operates a consent policy, which will be issued at the first consultation for the patient/client to read and understand prior to proceeding with any treatment. You will be asked to read through this form carefully and the doctor will answer any queries you may have.
Patient/Client Chaperone/Accompanying Policy
Within this clinic, we encourage the concept of chaperones accompanying patients/clients, within reasonable boundaries.
The situation may arise, where a patient/client is accompanied by a next of kin or friend or may request a member of staff (within reason) to accompany them. In such cases, the following rules will apply, where the chaperone will:
- Have agreement from the patient/client to be present at the consultation
- Have the ability and mental capacity to act as a chaperone
- Introduce him/her to clinic staff and explain the purpose of their presence
- Maintain confidentiality and comply with clinic policies
A record and details of such events will be kept in the patients’/clients’ notes
In any event, the member of staff in charge of the case would make the ultimate decision regarding the presence of chaperones, especially during a Laser procedure.
Access to Health Records
All patients/clients have access to their health records in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act.
If you require access to your records, then please ask the secretary/ receptionist or the Registered Manager who will discuss this with you and agree on the level of information that you require access to.
This clinic ensures that information provided to patients/clients and prospective patients/clients and their families is accurate and that any claims made in respect of services are justified.
Advertising Policy
This clinic ensures that all its adverts, patient leaflets and services it offers, complies with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Such standards are promoted under the ASAs website:
In case of any complaints, all the advertising information will be released to ASA by this clinic for verification or investigation, as appropriate
Valuable items such as jewellery, which may have to be removed during treatment, can be kept securely while treatments are undertaken. Patients are advised to retrieve all such items after treatment. This establishment does not accept any responsibility for items lost or stolen.
Mobile Phones
Clients are requested not to use mobile phones within the building
Additional Information
This establishment has a health and safety, risk management and incident reporting policy
We take part in staff continuing professional development to keep our skills and knowledge up to date
This establishment has appointed an RPA2000 Certified Laser Protection Adviser (LPA) who carries out annual visits.
In the event that an individual feels that no benefit has been gained from such treatment, and within reason, we will offer repeat or alternative treatment
Price List and Treatment Plan
Prices will vary depending on the extent of the area to be treated. A consultation is required prior to all initial treatments, enabling the patient/client to agree to a suitable course of treatment
An up-to-date price list is available as a separate list within the clinic.
We do not offer a contract as such to our patients/clients, however, the consent form and attendance for the treatment denotes agreement to treatment.
Methods of Payment/Credit
All major credit/debit cards are accepted. If paying by cheque seven working days must be allowed for clearance.
Review of Patient Guide
This guide provides clear and accurate information regarding treatment and its likely costs. If you have any comments about the presentation or the content of this Patient’s Guide please speak to a member of staff. The guide will be updated as necessary and reviewed annually. If you have any views on the information contained within, or the presentation of this Patient’s Guide we would welcome your comments. Please discuss with any member of staff.
Quality monitoring, Patient /Client Views and Survey Results
It is the aim of this clinic to obtain the views of its patients/clients at least once during their course of treatment and use these to inform the provision of treatment and care of prospective patients/clients. Patients/clients are notified as to the availability of the survey within the Patient Guide.
This establishment is committed to excellence in service and treatments performed in all areas of its services. We encourage feedback from patients regarding the standards of service, care and information, which you have received. We would welcome any comments or suggestions, which will enable us to work towards improving the quality of our treatment and services provided and ensure that patients receive adequate and correct information.
A feedback questionnaire will be provided at any time during treatment for you to complete, or to put forward suggestions or comments. This establishment is always ready to respond to feedback received about the way in which its services are conducted. Audit of feedback is carried out quarterly and available on request.
The Patient Guide itself is always readily available to patients/clients and copies can are in the waiting room.
Survey results will be available in the waiting room for patients/clients and their families to view.
Complaints Procedure
This clinic operates a complaint procedure as part of its dealing with patients/clients’ complaints.
Dr. Prashant Murugkar