Acne Vulgaris, Pimples, Blackheads, Pustules, Rosacea, Whiteheads, Zits, Backne, Bacne, Comedone
Acne is a very common skin condiÂtion that originÂates in the oil gland apparÂatus that is present in the skin. The natural purpose of this oil gland is to produce a natural moisÂturÂising and protective barrier oil that coats the surface of the skin.
If this process of the oil spilling out to the surface of the skin is blocked you will get an Acne, a pimple or a Zit. Please underÂstand that this is a very simplistic explanÂaÂtion. There are generÂally 4 condiÂtions that act indiÂviduÂally or together to give you an Acne. There could be a block at the opening or skin pore (blockage with dried up oil, dead skin, makeup, sunscreen), there could be an over producÂtion of oil in the skin, there could be a bacterial infecÂtion (there are bacteria called P Acne that are most commonly implicÂated in Acne) or you could have a skin type which mounts an excessÂively aggressive inflamÂmatory response to a small blockage in your oil glands.
Whatever the process the blockage, bacteria or the skin’s defence (inflamÂmatory response) you will get a pimple or acne of some type.
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes Acne – is it a disease?
What are the different types of acne?
Do I have Severe Cystic Acne?
Why do I have acne on my back, is this not supposed to be on the face?
What can I do for my backne or bacne, is there a cure for back acne?
Do fast food or chocolate cause acne?
Why do teenagers get acne?
Why do I get acne around my periods?
Do women in their 30’s and 40’s get Acne?
Do I have acne or rosacea?
Will I have Acne if my mother had it when she was young?
What will get rid of my acne?
Treatments of acne consist of :
Skin applicÂaÂtion of products that reduce the oiliÂness, reduce dead skin build up, have an anti-inflammatory (skin calming) effect these are :Vitamin A derivÂative creams like Tretinoin, Adapalene (Differin), Benzoyl Peroxide, combined Adapalene and Benzyl Peroxide (Epiduo), Azelaic Acid, Tazarotene.
Skin applicÂaÂtion of products that kill the bacteria that cause Acne: Benzoyl Peroxide, combined Adapalene and Benzyl Peroxide (Epiduo), Azelaic Acid, Clindamycin, Dapsone.
Oral medicÂaÂtion that reduces the oil producÂtion: Isotretinoin (Roaccutane), Combination Oral Contraceptive pills, Spironolactone.
Oral medicÂaÂtion that kills the bacteria: Minocycline, Doxycycline.
In Clinic Treatments: Incision and Drainage of Acne Pus, Chemical Peels, Steroid Injections, Scar Management with Peels and Lasers.
When you come to see Dr Prashant at Reforme Medical Clinic in Cardiff, we will go through with all your probÂlems and give you a short and long-term soluÂtion that should start working within a 4–6 week period.
Can I treat my acne at home?
Why do I get acne on my forehead?
What can I do for my blackheads and whiteheads?
Approximate Costs
An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treatÂment you go on to have at our clinic.
Please contact us to find out more.