Acne scars are a result of either a very aggressive Nodulo-Cystic Acne condition or a result of secondary infections caused by picking or popping acne. The common types of acne scar are Ice-pick scars (sharp hole like depressions), rolling scars (scars with rolled out margins) and box scars (scars which have punched out, boxy looking margins). Most patients will have a combination of all these common types.
Sometimes one can also get hypertrophy or keloidal changes in acne scars.
Besides the obvious facial scarring, acne scars can also severely affect the emotional state of the patient, causing them to feel depressed.
There are many treatments that can be offered for Acne scars, and often they are used in combinations; however, there is no MAGIC treatment that can make acne scars disappear. While some patients can get 70 – 80% improvement in their scars, most will get some improvement of more than 40 – 50%.
At Reforme our favourite techniques of managing acne scars on the face are Medical Skin Care, followed by Morpheus8 Fractional Remodelling of Scar with or without our Growth Factor Facial.
Rarely patients need additional interventions like CrossTCA which involves the use of a strong acidic molecule to destroy ice pick scars, or subcision combined with dermal fillers (cutting the scar fibres that cause the dips in rolling scars, and then supporting the raised skin with a drop of dermal filler).
An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consultation with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consultation with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treatment you go on to have at our clinic.
Disclaimer – Prices mentioned are just indicative of current average price ranges for the treatment. You will need an in-clinic consultation for a quote applicable to you. Also note that prices are subject to change, please contact a member of the team to confirm the current price range.
What is the best treatment for acne scars?
While in the past Dr Prashant used Fractional CO2, Erbium or NdYAG lasers to treat Acne Scars, he now prefers the Morpheus8 combined with a Growth Factor Facial as this gives much better results compared to the older modalities like lasers, giving both collagen remodelling and remodelling, skin tightening and resurfacing. Having said that we would like to remind you that there is no silver bullet to acne scars and having multiple approaches and realistic expectations is the key to success.
Do acne scars go away?
The good news is that if you have red coloured scars that persist after the spot has gone, these are highly likely to disappear with time as the skin recovers its natural thickness over the next 3 – 6 months. Unfortunately, common acne scars like ice pick scars, rolling scars and box scars generally need some medical or surgical intervention to reduce their appearance.
Does vitamin C help acne scars?
Vit C serums can be a very effective part of an acne scar management system. However, they will not be enough on their own.
Book a consultation for personalised cosmetic surgery or aesthetic treatment recommendations.
+44 7368 142277
1st Floor, 174 Merthyr Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1DL