Cosmetic Surgery



A lipoma is a non-cancerous over­growth (tumour) of the fat cells. They arise in the layer of fat under­neath your skin (subcu­taneous tissue). It is a very common condi­tion and in almost all cases a harm­less lump under­neath the skin. Lipomas can be single or multiple.

There is no specific age of onset of lipomas, but most are noticed in middle age. While women gener­ally have solitary lipomas, men tend to have multiple such lumps.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes a Lipoma?

There is no specific cause of lipomas, occa­sion­ally there might be a history of some blunt injury in that area, in many instances, there might be a family history of similar lipomas, but in most instances, the lipoma arises without a cause.

What are the symptoms and signs of a Lipoma, will my Lipoma go away on its own?

Most patients will notice a pain­less, soft bump or a lump under their skin and find that over the years the lump grows slightly larger. While the average size of a lipoma will be similar to 3–4 peas bunched together, occa­sion­ally the lipoma enlarges enough to be a visible lump under­neath the skin. Lipomas are gener­ally pain­less, easily mobile under the skin and soft to doughy. Most patients will want their lipoma’s removed for cosmetic reasons, occa­sion­ally some lipomas get a bit painful or restrict the move­ment of muscles.

Lipomas gener­ally stop growing after attaining a certain size, but will not disap­pear on their own.

Is Lipoma dangerous?

The majority of lipomas are harm­less, but if the lump you think is a lipoma, starts hurting, or growing in size, please get it examined by your doctor, as on the rare occa­sion you might have a nastier kind of fat cell tumour called Liposarcoma. These gener­ally are much deeper inside the tissues than a lipoma and occur more commonly around the thigh, groin, back of the abdomen or on the back.

Do I have a Lipoma?

As outlined above if you have a soft, pain­less, mobile, smooth, rubbery or doughy lump under your skin, there is a chance it could be a lipoma. You will have to go to your doctor for a clin­ical confirm­a­tion, but lipomas are quite common on the shoulder, fore­arms, trunk, back of the neck.

Can I get my Lipoma removed in the NHS?

Unfortunately, Lipoma removal is gener­ally not offered in the NHS. At Reforme Medical Clinic, Cardiff, UK, we would love to help you get rid of the lipoma.

Where can I find lipoma removal near me?

We at Reforme Medical, Cardiff, UK would love to help you get your lipoma removed.

How do I get rid of the lipoma, is the surgery painful? What is the recovery like?

Lipomas can be removed in several ways:

Complete removal, in this tech­nique under local anaes­thesia numbing, a cut is made overlying the length of the lipoma, and the entire lipoma is removed intact and then sent to the patho­lo­gist for an accurate diagnosis. This will leave you with a scar roughly the length of the lipoma that will take about a year to fade.

Small scar removal, in this tech­nique a small cut is made, and the fatty tissue is removed, squeezed or scooped out piece­meal. The advantage is the small incision, the disad­vantage is the tissue is not intact and accurate patho­lo­gical diagnosis, if required, can’t be made.

Liposuction removal, this is cosmet­ic­ally the most accept­able tech­nique were a 2 mm tube is used to suck out the fat without the need for an incision. The disad­vantage is that the tissue can’t be sent to the pathologist.

Approximate Costs

An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consulta­tion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consulta­tion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treat­ment you go on to have at our clinic.

 Every lipoma removal will cost different amounts depending on the lipo­ma’s size, loca­tion, quantity  and complexity. On average, prices start from £695 to £1500 . If the specimen needs to be sent for biopsy it will cost an addi­tional £100.

Disclaimer – Prices mentioned are just indic­ative of current average price ranges for the treat­ment. You will need an in-clinic consulta­tion for a quote applic­able to you. Also note that prices are subject to change, please contact a member of the team to confirm current price range.