Mole Removal Cardiff
A mole or naevus is not always a beauty mark. Often times it is that annoying dark spot on your skin that you wish could disapÂpear overnight. Brown, black or someÂtimes even reddish, moles are naturÂally formed when pigment cells begin to cluster together instead of evenly distribÂuted throughout the skin.
Dr Prashant a renowned cosmetic surgeon in Cardiff specialÂises in mole removal procedÂures on every skin tone, skin type and espeÂcially those with lighter skin that are more prone to moles – recomÂmending the best treatÂment options for every unique condiÂtion from the past two decades now.
Whether you are born with one or the darker hue appeared later in life, the mole removal specialÂists at Reforme Medical Mole Removal Cardiff can help you get rid of it aesthetÂicÂally anywhere on your body – giving you a smooth, clear, blemish-free skin.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different types of Moles?
There are various types of Moles such as Congenital Mole, Common Mole, Atypical (Dysplastic), and Melanoma Mole. While the first two types of moles are nothing to worry about, the latter two moles are worriÂsome. The reason being, an ‘Atypical Mole’ can turn into a Melanoma, which is an aggressive kind of skin cancer.
Congenital Moles are Moles that are present since birth. They are relatÂively very small moles (<0.5 cm at Infancy expected to no more than 1.5 cm in adultÂhood are generÂally harmÂless). However, if you observe any sinister changes, that are generÂally indicÂated by a change in shape, size, colour, texture or an assoÂciÂation with pain or bleeding/oozing, it is a good idea to be under the superÂviÂsion of a dermatologist.
If a mole appears on your skin after you were born, it is called a Common Mole or Acquired Mole. It is very common and most fair skin adults will have between 10–40 moles. These moles are generÂally smaller than 6 mm (or the size of the eraser at the back of a pencil), oval or circular, of a uniform colour, with or without hair, with clear borders and seldom change throughout your life.
Atypical Moles or Dysplastic Moles or Dysplastic Nevus
Dysplastic Moles are generÂally larger in size (> 6 mm), have an odd shape as against the symmetÂrical round or oval shape of the Common Mole. Dysplastic moles can show a mix of colours and often appear on the trunk (they can also appear on your scalp, head, neck and rarely your face). Atypical Moles can turn into a Melanoma, so it is advisÂable that you consult with your dermatologist.
If you have 4 or more Atypical Moles, or a parent, sibling or child who has had a Melanoma, or if you have had a Melanoma in the past, you need to be under a Dermatologist’s supervision.
Melanoma Mole or a maligÂnant melanoma is a type of skin cancer often assoÂciÂated with sun exposure and tanning beds. Any mole can change into a Melanoma, or a Melanoma Mole can appear out of nowhere. If you are vigilant and an early diagnosis is made, most Melanomas have a good survival rate.
When you are examining your moles, you should look out for the ABCDE system developed by the American Academy of Dermatology.
- A – Asymmetrical shape-is each half of the mole a different shape.
- B – Border – does the mole have irregÂular, poorly defined borders.
- C – Colour – has the colour in your mole changed, are there more than one colour in your mole.
- D – Diameter – is your mole bigger than 6 mm or larger than the eraser at the end of the pencil, is it growing bigger.
- E – Evolving – does the mole keep chanÂging all the above, or becomes thicker, starts oozing, hurting or bleeding.
Does my mole look cancerous, are my moles dangerous?
Can dark skinned people get Melanoma?
I have a new mole on my face and/or body should I be worried?
My doctor says my mole is benign, I still want it removed, but benign mole removal is not offered on the NHS. What should I do?
Will I have a scar after my mole removal?
In Radio-Surgery, a specialÂized energy device is used to scoop out all the pigmented skin, leaving behind a shallow crater that gets filled up by skin cells from the depth and sides. Radiosurgery is one of the best devices for this purpose, as it will have the least scarÂring and/or pigment changes in the treated area, often resulting in a near scar less removal of the benign mole.
In the Excisional Biopsy techÂnique, an elliptÂical wedge of tissue including the mole, a margin of normal appearing skin around it, is cut out, leaving behind a skin and tissue defect that looks like a valley. This defect is then closed with stitches that can be buried without external knots (that need to be removed later) or external stitches with knots which will be removed at the clinic later.
Excisional Biopsy techÂnique is used when the appearÂance or behaÂviour of the Benign Mole suggests that it be examined under microÂscopy by a Histopathologist (a doctor specialÂising in diagnosing condiÂtions under microÂscopy). This allows an accurate diagnosis of the nature of the mole.
Excisional Biopsy however does leave you with a scar. In most instances these scars fade over a year or two, settling into the background.
Is mole removal surgery painful? Will I be able to go back to work?
Are there any risks or side effects of Benign Mole Removal Surgery?
Approximate Costs
An accurate estimate of the costs is only possible after an in-clinic consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant. We charge a £50 deposit to secure your consultaÂtion with Dr Prashant, this amount will be deducted from the costs of the treatÂment you go on to have at our clinic.
Before booking in a consultaÂtion we will ask you to send us photos of the moles you want removed which are of benign nature and will try to give you rough costs of what treatÂment is approÂpriate and what it might cost. Generally:
- Shave Excisions of Moles under local anesÂthesia start at £395 and for each addiÂtional £90
- Suture Excision of Moles under local anesÂthesia starts at £595 tp £995
- Sending the specimen to histoÂpathÂoÂlogy biopsy costs an addiÂtional £100